Shipping & Delivery Policy

Effective Date: 01-04-2023

Thank you for your purchase of an ebook from Please read this Shipping & Delivery Policy carefully to understand our shipping and delivery procedures.

  1. Delivery Method: Our ebooks are digital products and will be delivered electronically via email or through a download link provided on our landing page. No physical shipping or delivery is required.
  2. Delivery Time: Upon successful completion of your purchase, you will receive an email or a download link with instructions on how to access and download your ebook. The delivery time may vary depending on your location and the email or internet service providers. However, we strive to deliver your ebook as soon as possible, typically within a few minutes to a few hours after your purchase is confirmed.
  3. Technical Requirements: To access and download your ebook, you will need a compatible device, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone, and an internet connection. You are responsible for ensuring that your device and internet connection meet the technical requirements necessary to download and access the ebook.
  4. Shipping Fees: As our ebooks are digital products, there are no shipping fees associated with the purchase.
  5. Refunds and Returns: Please refer to our Refund and Cancellation Policy, which is incorporated into these Shipping & Delivery Policy by reference, for details on our refund and return procedures.
  6. Customer Support: If you encounter any issues with the delivery or download of your ebook, please contact our customer support team at or 9226650973 for assistance.
  7. Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any delays or failures in the delivery of your ebook due to factors beyond our control, such as technical issues, internet outages, or email delivery failures. We also do not guarantee the uninterrupted availability of our landing page or the download link for your ebook.
  8. Changes to Shipping & Delivery Policy: We reserve the right to update or modify this Shipping & Delivery Policy at any time, and any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our landing page. We recommend reviewing this policy periodically for any updates. Your continued use of our Services after the posting of any changes constitutes your acceptance of the updated policy.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Shipping & Delivery Policy, please contact us at

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